1934 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Monday, January 1 Fed over 400 beggars, lame and...

1933 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Sunday, January 1 A beautiful day. Dr. Mary stone...

1932 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Friday, January 1 Fed 203 of the poor beggars. Had...

1931 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Thursday, January 1 About 25 foreigners went to...

1930 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Wednesday, January 1 Early prayer meeting. Many...

1929 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Tuesday, January 1 Work in general. Mrs. Emslie...

1928 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Sunday, January 1 Deep snow and cold. Went to...

1927 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Saturday, January 1 Work in general. Opening day...

1926 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Friday, January 1 Made Esther’s coat out of old...

1925 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Thursday, January 1 Grants moving day. They had...

1924 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Tuesday, January 1 Clear and cold. Callers....

1923 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Monday, January 1 Had 20 odd callers. Work in...

1922 Diary
G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing Sunday, January 1 Sunday school and church. Night...

1921 Diary
1921 G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton D.V. = God willing 5324 - 42 Avenue S.E. Portland Saturday,...

1899 Diary
1899 Grandma Rose Etta Reiton - Age: 13 D.V. = God willing Monday, April 3 This the 3rd day of...