1921 Diary

1921 G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton
D.V. = God willing

5324 – 42 Avenue S.E. Portland

Saturday, January 1
Turkey dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Roy’s. Albert in Frisco. Helen took chicken pox.

Sunday, January 2
At home with Helen. Carson came and gave me $34.00.

Monday, January 3
Albert came back. Took down Christmas tree.

Tuesday, January 4
Washed, sewed and wrote. Helen up.

Wednesday, January 5
Went shopping. Albert bought overcoat; girls saw first snow fall.

Thursday, January 6
Sewed and went to Peniel.

Friday, January 7
Miss Miller spent day here. Had meeting in Laurel M.E.C.

Saturday, January 8
Worked at home.

Sunday, January 9
Baptist Church at Mrs. Mitcheltree.

Monday, January 10
Mrs. W. and Miss Stodghill came for supper. Shower for Miss Stodghill – 30 here.

Tuesday, January 11
Mrs. Mills here. Made four calls.

Wednesday, January 12
Made girls gowns. Wrote letters.

Thursday, January 13
Downtown – received Glen and Clara’s photo.

Friday, January 14
Packed books for China. Received Mrs. Boehmess postal cards.

Saturday, January 15
Went to Canby. Mother and Miss Stodghill stayed at Erickson’s.

Sunday, January 16
At Erickson’s church.

Monday, January 17
At Samuelson’s overnight.

Tuesday, January 18
Canby Missionary Band met at Rev. Wicker’s in afternoon. Farewell meeting at night at church.

Wednesday, January 19
At Roue’s and Oathe’s. Came back to Portland.

Thursday, January 20
Our Wedding day (January 20, 1913). Rev. and Mrs. John Parsons came and Elnora and Harry.

Friday, January 21
Went to Percy Allen’s.

Saturday, January 22
Miss Robin’s here. Packed one trunk for China.

Sunday, January 23
Spoke at Comnous Mission.

Monday, January 24
Made dresses for girls and washed.

Tuesday, January 25
Downtown. Ironed.

Wednesday, January 26
Mrs. Mills here for supper. Sewed, etc. Two Carlson families came.

Thursday, January 27
Went to town.

Friday, January 28
Miss Stodghill here. Went to Harry’s. Mrs. Shankland fell – 94 years old.

Saturday, January 29
Received aprons from Mrs. Logan, 50 from John, 100 from Sam and 100 from Philip.

Sunday, January 30
At Friend’s Church A.M.

Monday, January 31
Harry and Elnora here for supper. Miss Stodghill here.

Tuesday, February 1

Wednesday, February 2
At Mrs. Yigentholer’s.

Thursday, February 3
Packed and went to town. Mr. and Mrs. Houff here. Helen feeling bad.

Friday, February 4
Left our house and came to Harry’s. Helen broke out with measles. Steamer Letter book from Alaska came.

Saturday, February 5
Can’t leave for Seattle. Helen covered with measles.

Sunday, February 6
Helen very sick – at Harry’s. Albert went to Vancouver, Washington.

Monday, February 7
Mrs. Allen and Summers here. Albert’s birthday. Helen better.

Tuesday, February 8
Helen is up. Prayer answered.

Wednesday, February 9
Left Portland enroute to B.C. for China. Miss Stodghill, Mr. and Mrs. Sigenthaler, Miss Robins, Mother, Harry and Elnora, Mr. Jenkins, Miss Ryees and others at station. In Seattle, Brother Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Mayer, Watres and other to meet us. All went to Mrs. Heckel’s for supper and then to mission. Both spoke. 28 went to wharf. Left on 11:30 boat for Vancouver, B.C. (February 10).

Thursday, February 10
See February 9.

Friday, February 11
All is up – seasick – very rough.

Saturday, February 12
Had prayers in room. Had one meal at table.

Sunday, February 13
Up to breakfast. Had prayers and songs in our room. Very rough and cold.

Monday, February 14
In bed. More rough. Lois and Maude low down too.

Tuesday, February 15
Storm – in bed.

Wednesday, February 16
Skipped one day.

Thursday, February 17
Bitter cold. Up to two meals. Snow.

Friday, February 18
Gloomy day. Nothing to see but water.

Saturday, February 19
Heavy wind and snow during night. Helen had earache.

Sunday, February 20
God spared us during last night. It is reported that we were in the greatest danger the ship has been know to pass through. Had a meeting in our room. Saturday was the roughest sea we’ve ever gone over.

Monday, February 21
Wrote letters.

Tuesday, February 22
Arrived in Yokohoma about 9:00 A.M. Went up town with Grants and Miss Stodghill. Left for Kobe at 5:00 P.M.

Wednesday, February 23
Reached Kobe at 3:00 P.M. Went up town.

Thursday, February 24
Went to cemetery. Boat sailed at 2:00 P.M. for Nagasaki. Very Cold.

Friday, February 25
2:00 P.M. at Nagasaki. Went ashore. Sailed at 11:00 P.M. – fog storm.

Saturday, February 26
Enroute to Shanghai.

Sunday, February 27
Mouth of Yangtze River – not allowed to go off ship. Left for Manila at 2:00 P.M.

Monday, February 28
Very hot and foggy. Six ladies left in second class. Albert has fever.

Tuesday, March 1
In deck chair. Still warm. Wrote to mother. Albert a little better. Water calm.

Wednesday, March 2
At Manila. Went up town. Norouhas not at home. Very hot. Sailed at 6:00 P.M. for Hong Kong.

Thursday, March 3
Very rough. Warm and cold in P.M.

Friday, March 4
Arrived at Kowloon. Praise God for safety throughout another year. Ellis at dock to meet us. Went to their home on Nathan Road. Had dinner and they all went to Hong Kong. Mr. Au and others called.

Saturday, March 5
Our reception at chapel.

Sunday, March 6
Church. Miss Kugler, Miss Meadows, two Hitchcock sisters called.

Monday, March 7
Moved to No. 13 Coronation Road. Miss Stodghill with us. Mrs. Smith came.

Tuesday, March 8
Employed language teacher. Bought 22 yards matting for 25 cents/yard. Mr. Au and family came.

Wednesday, March 9
Hired Amah – wages – $8.00, bed – $1.00, and wood – 75 cents / total – $9.75. Electric lights put in. Mrs. Smith left for S. Hing.

Thursday, March 10
Went to Sha Tau Kok. Left at 10:30 and back at 7:30 P.M.

Friday, March 11
Gas put in. Cleaned house.

Saturday, March 12
Had business meeting here.

Sunday, March 13
Sunday school and church – full house. Went to Miss Meadow’s opening of flats at Mong-Kok.

Monday, March 14
Went to Hong Kong. Children pith hats – $2.50 each. Meeting.

Tuesday, March 15
Mr. Au and Mr. Lum I here. Worked all day.

Wednesday, March 16
Bought big net – 80 cents/yard and 22 cents for top.

Thursday, March 17
Made net. Wrote letters and house work.

Friday, March 18
Brother smith came and bought case of carnation.

Saturday, March 19
Monroe’s came. Cheng Chi Chik came. Worked all day.

Sunday, March 20
Mr. Smith preached two times. Sailor boys came. Miss Foster on way to India. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe for supper. Sunday school and church. Amah stole sugar.

Monday, March 21
First lesson with Leung Siu Shang. Box came from U.S. Portland. Brother Smith went home to Shiu Hing. Ironed. Miss Foster here for supper.

Tuesday, March 22
Miss Knapp and Miss Weeks here. Prayers at Ellises. Miss Foster still here.

Wednesday, March 23
Albert bought camphor wood chest.

Thursday, March 24
Miss foster left for India.

Friday, March 25
Wiseman bread began. Albert went to Sha Tau Kok. Talked in the temple. Prayed with Mrs. Chues mother. Good Friday. Wrote letters. Met Lum’s wife.

Saturday, March 26
Rose Edna has fever. Albert came home. Went to meeting.

Sunday, March 27
Esther Sunday. Good meeting. Miss Stodghill went to knitting factory.

Monday, March 28
Meeting – lessons – writing.

Tuesday, March 29
Went to Matilda with Mrs. Grant. She stayed. Bought pith hat.

Wednesday, March 30
Women’s meeting. Went to Mrs. Storey’s lesson.

Thursday, March 31
Put together mother’s table. Meetings – 50 other things.

Friday, April 1
Mattie’s birthday. Rose Edna started to Diocesan school.

Saturday, April 2
Went to Hong Kong with Miss Stodghill. Meeting.

Sunday, April 3
Mr. Lam and wife here for lunch. Lois came back from hospital. Sunday school and church, etc.

Monday, April 4
Study… Ironed and wrote, etc.

Tuesday, April 5
Leung Si Ni here. Meetings. Albert went to Ping Chau.

Wednesday, April 6
Women’s meeting. Meeting at night – Liu Chau Po preached.

Thursday, April 7
Prayed for Wong Si No – eye. Wrote and ironed.

Friday, April 8
Ah Sham left – month up.

Saturday, April 9
Called on Chau Si Ni, Chau Si Ni and two others with Leung Wai Chi Si No. Miss Meadows here.

Sunday, April 10
Sunday school and church. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis at Sha Tau Kok.

Monday, April 11
First day with Kong Siu Shang teacher.

Tuesday, April 12
General work. Miss meadows came.

Wednesday, April 13
Women’s meeting. Meeting and study.

Thursday, April 14
Brother and Sister Smith came down. Mrs. Cowles came.

Friday, April 15
Meeting. Hired Mau and wife – $13.00 per month.

Saturday, April 16

Sunday, April 17
Albert at Sha Tau Kok. Brother Smith preached. Miss Stodghill and Mrs. Smith went to Hong Kong. Meetings.

Monday, April 18
Went to Mr. Hickson’s healing meeting in Hong Kong.

Tuesday, April 19
Smiths left for Kwai Yuen via Canton.

Wednesday, April 20
Women’s meeting. Study and writing. Meeting at night.

Thursday, April 21
Letters. Study and work in general. Miss Lee’s and Mr. Lee came. Made calls.

Friday, April 22
Study, calls and meeting.

Saturday, April 23
Woman began with bread. Study. Called on Suet Si Ni. Letters, etc. Grants moved to flat on Shanghai Street.

Sunday, April 24
Mr. and Mrs. Lum and Mr. and Mrs. Grant for dinner. Sunday school and church. Ah Chan here. Street meeting.

Monday, April 25
Studied. Albert left at 4:00 P.M. for Kwong Sai. Mr. cowls here.

Tuesday, April 26
Studied and had meeting.

Wednesday, April 27
Women’s meeting. Work in general – wrote letters. Marketing.

Thursday, April 28
Ellises left for Ping Chau. Visited sick woman. Took sick myself. Rain.

Friday, April 29
Mr. Lum for supper. Rose Edna and Helen to meeting. No bread came.

Saturday, April 30
Meeting. No study.

Sunday, May 1
Three meetings. Prayed for sick in two homes. Went to temple. Mr. and Mrs. Grant for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman stopped at door.

Monday, May 2
Went to Hong Kong. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe in a few minutes.

Tuesday, May 3
Studied, wrote and attending meeting.

Wednesday, May 4
Hong Kong. Mrs. McKay here. Meeting. Studied.

Thursday, May 5
No school. Supper at Grant’s. Studied. Organ came from U.S.

Friday, May 6
Studied. Went to Hong Kong. Meeting.

Saturday, May 7
Prayer meeting here – Mr. and Mrs. Grand, Miss Meadows, Mrs. Hargrave, Miss Stodghill. Mrs. Hargrave came from Pak Hoi enroute to U.S.A. Meeting.

Sunday, May 8
Three meetings. Grants for supper.

Monday, May 9
Studied. Rain.

Tuesday, May 10
Albert came back. Teacher’s last day.

Wednesday, May 11
Women’s meeting. Letters. Albert bought groceries for Smiths.

Thursday, May 12
Hot. Ironed. Meeting. Grants for supper.

Friday, May 13
Work in general.

Saturday, May 14
Mrs. Hargrave sailed on Persia Maru for U.S.A.

Sunday, May 15
Three meetings. Rain. Went to visit Ah Po in Old Kowloon. Lois gave doll to girls.

Monday, May 16
Mrs. Grant here for lunch. Bought 12 pair of socks for $1.00.

Tuesday, May 17
Mr. Cowles here. Albert bought bike from Mr. Anderson.

Wednesday, May 18
Mrs. Cowles here. Mrs. Anderson sent the girls chest of drawers and dresser.

Thursday, May 19
Ironed. Work in general.

Friday, May 20
Prayed for Mrs. Chue’s baby. Meeting, etc.

Saturday, May 21
Albert at Sha Tau Kok. Ah Fuk began. Mrs. Hing’s amah and a dozen more Chinese here.

Sunday, May 22
Lord’s Supper. Three meetings. Bible woman’s first meeting.

Monday, May 23
Took up matting. Work in general. Leung S.S. began teaching Miss Stodghill.

Tuesday, May 24
New Amah began. We began studying with preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Cowles called.

Wednesday, May 25
Women’s meeting. Ice box from Andersons.

Thursday, May 26
Mr. Cowles for lunch. Meeting.

Friday, May 27
Went to Sha Tau Kok left at 6:00 and back at 4:00. Meeting.

Saturday, May 28
Miss Meadow’s Bible study. Mr. Flax, the Jew brother spoke.

Sunday, May 29
Meetings. Mr. Lum for dinner and supper.

Monday, May 30
Decoration Day. Our old preacher Wong called.

Tuesday, May 31
Cheng Chung came. Miss Stodghill at Miss Meadow’s prayer meeting. Meeting.

Wednesday, June 1
Women’s meeting. Helen got her black slippers.

Thursday, June 2
Called on the bride to be and Grants. Studied.

Friday, June 3
Chau Peng and Tsoi I Koo married in chapel at 1:00 P.M.

Saturday, June 4
Mr. and Mrs. Funk, Mr. Flack, Miss Meadows, Mr. Braga here at prayer meeting.

Sunday, June 5
Sunday school and church. Grants here.

Monday, June 6
Sent part of circular letters to U.S.A. Meeting.

Tuesday, June 7
Called on old sick lady. Studied, sewed, etc.

Wednesday, June 8
Meeting. Studied. Called on crazy woman. Work in general. Ah Fuk sick – home.

Thursday, June 9
Letters, teacher, callers, meetings, etc. Ah Tsz began.

Friday, June 10
Studied, wrote, etc.

Saturday, June 11
Had Helen’s birthday cake, cream, etc. instead of on Sunday, June 12. Mrs. Grant gave her a bad and handkerchief and candy. Went to Grant’s for supper.

Sunday, June 12
Helen is 5 years old. Gladys and mama gave her a knitted slip over. Grants here. Ah Sham gave her a chicken. Meeting.

Monday, June 13
Boxes, bicycles, etc. came from San Francisco. Studied.

Tuesday, June 14
Albert and Mr. Grant left for country to look for station. Cheng Chung too. Meetings.

Wednesday, June 15
Women’s meeting. First mess of beans out of box.

Thursday, June 16
Albert got back. Strike on train – had to go to Canton and down on boat. Brought plums.

Friday, June 17
Made jelly and butter – 25 pints at 16 cents pint or less.

Saturday, June 18
Birthday package from Grandma and E and H for children. Made new net. Mrs. Hargrave’s money.

Sunday, June 19
Meeting. Prayed for sick baby. Grants here.

Monday, June 20
Went calling. Study. Albert went to refinery.

Tuesday, June 21
Mr. Ellis came from Ping Chau. Albert went to country. Mr. and Mrs. Grant and Ellis for supper. Meeting. Mrs. Grant stayed here and Mr. Ellis and Grant over there. Mrs. Storey came.

Wednesday, June 22
Women’s meeting. Albert came home.

Thursday, June 23

Friday, June 24
Mr. Grant went to Sha Tau Kok. Mrs. Grant here.

Saturday, June 25
Study. Out with Bible woman.

Sunday, June 26
Grants and Lum I here. Meetings.

Monday, June 27
Albert went to Suen Chuen about seats, etc. for chapel. Finished the scrap quilt out of missionary box. Studied and meeting.

Tuesday, June 28
Albert came home. Studied. Went out to junk boat and hospital meetings.

Wednesday, June 29
Women’s meeting. Study, letters, etc.

Thursday, June 30
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis came and stayed a little while. Meeting.

Friday, July 1
Albert went to Sha Tau Kok. Meeting. Letters. Mr. Ellis and Frank came at 11:00 P.M. David sick at Matilda. Mrs. Ellis stayed up there.

Saturday, July 2
Studied. Could not go to prayer meeting.

Sunday, July 3
Meetings. Went to Matilda with Miss Stodghill and Mr. Grant. David still unconscious. Prayed with Mrs. Chue and baby.

Monday, July 4
All but Mrs. Ellis and David had supper at Brother Grant’s. Had ice cream and then prayers and meeting. Made girls each a gown, studied, etc.

Tuesday, July 5
Sewed – meetings – studied.

Wednesday, July 6
Made underwear for girls. Typhoon round about.

Thursday, July 7
Meetings and studied. Callers.

Friday, July 8
Out with Bible woman. Letters, etc.

Saturday, July 9
Went to Hong Kong and got my white alpaca cloth for skirt. Miss Stodghill – $5.00 tithe.

Sunday, July 10
Mrs. Ellis took sick too at Matilda. Meetings.

Monday, July 11
Albert went to Sha Tau Kok. Studied. Meeting.

Tuesday, July 12
Studied – wrote – meeting.

Wednesday, July 13
Out with Bible woman. Women’s meeting. Mr. Paul Lim came. Albert left for country with Ah Fuk. Meeting.

Thursday, July 14
Studied. Meeting. Ellises moved to Shamshiupo.

Friday, July 15
Albert came back with the mumps. Meeting. Ah Tsz left sick. Ah Fuk came about 3:00 P.M.

Saturday, July 16
Grants for supper. Studied and sewed.

Sunday, July 17
Helen fever. Meetings.

Monday, July 18
Helen sick all day. Very high fever Monday night. Meetings.

Tuesday, July 19
Helen better – thank God. Ice cream at Mrs. Tidberry’s.

Wednesday, July 20
Women’s meeting. Studies and wrote.

Thursday, July 21
Miss Meadows came. Helen fever again. Wrote letters. Matting for mission. Miss Stodghill and Mrs. Chue to Kowloon.

Friday, July 22
Rose Edna’s school closed at noon until September. Rose Edna has mumps. Mrs. Ellis came out of Matilda. Examined and accepted 15 women for baptism.

Saturday, July 23
People from upstairs (Mrs. Pike) moving. Studied.

Sunday, July 24
33 were baptized – 17 women and 16 men. Grants here.

Monday, July 25
Studied, sewed and had meeting.

Tuesday, July 26
Called on Ellises at Shamshiupo. Albert and Tseng Chi Chile went to Nam Tow meeting. Mrs. Smith came down.

Wednesday, July 27
Women’s meeting. Albert came home.

Thursday, July 28
Prayer meeting. Miss Stodghill and Mrs. Smith at Hong Kong.

Friday, July 29
Supper with Munroe girls, Misses Friske and Clark. Meeting. Ellises decided to withdraw from Peniel.

Saturday, July 30
Grants here for dinner.

Sunday, July 31
Meetings. Went to grant’s for lunch.

Monday, August 1
Mrs. Marsh came down from Shiu Hing at Miss Meadow’s flats. Bible study.

Tuesday, August 2
Leung Wai Chi gives month’s notice of leaving on account of not giving a month wager for vacation.

Wednesday, August 3
Mrs. Galloway and Gaines came. Miss Friske and Miss Clark here for supper. Prayers and meeting. Only have prayer meeting and women’s meeting and three Sunday meetings during August.

Thursday, August 4
Prayer meeting. Made Mrs. Grant a wrapper. Mrs. Galloway went to Matilda.

Friday, August 5
Went to Hong Kong and got my white slippers for $1.50. Miss Friske spent evening here. Took organ to Hong Kong to be fixed.

Saturday, August 6
Prayer meeting at Miss Meadow’s. Canned pineapple. All had supper at Grant’s.

Sunday, August 7
Meetings. Typhoon.

Monday, August 8
Studied. Miss Friske and Clark came. Girls stayed all night at Grant’s.

Tuesday, August 9
Left at 4:00 A.M. for Nam Tau. Miss Stodghill, Albert and I – launch gone. Went on ferry. Launch gone from Hong Kong, went to Lo Shuen Dragon and worship aboard. Arrived at Nam Tau chapel at 4:30 P.M. Stayed all night. Slept on floor. Wong Kei Sans married.

Wednesday, August 10
Started home at 6:00 A.M. Arrived at Hong Kong at 12:00 noon. Road on a woman’s back to boat through the water. Girls stayed with Brother and Sister Grant.

Thursday, August 11
Studied. Mrs. Storey came. Prayer meeting. Oo Man Sang.

Friday, August 12
Canned pineapple. Wrote letters. Albert brought organ from Sha Tau Kok.

Saturday, August 13
Called at Ellises. Studies.

Sunday, August 14
Three meetings. Called on Munroe’s at Tidberry’s flat. Went to meeting at Miss Meadow’s.

Monday, August 15
Meeting. Albert and Mr. Grant left for Nam Tau and Shi Tseng at 11:00 P.M.

Tuesday, August 16
Studied. Mrs. Grant here. Mr. Lum came.

Wednesday, August 17
Went to Stone Cutter’s Island with the girls – bathing. Women’s meeting. Miss Bancroft, Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Galloway came.

Thursday, August 18
Grants gave new converts testaments. Prayer meeting. Mr. Grant came home from Nam Tau. Studied.

Friday, August 19
Studied. Albert came home.

Saturday, August 20
Gains and Mrs. Grant for supper. Studied.

Sunday, August 21
Meetings. Grants came, Chinese callers, etc.

Monday, August 22
Went to Hong Kong and bought things for Nam Tau station:
Dining table $3.00
Dishpan .25
Dipper .10
Screen safe 2.50
Book rack .30
Coat rack .20
Cook stove 35.00
Wash pan .35
Sieve .20
Chest of drawers 15.00
Galvanized tub 4.00
Albert left at 10:00 P.M. for Nam Tau. Sent our little iron bed and mattress, blankets, etc. Ah Fuk went as chapel keeper.

Tuesday, August 23
Mrs. Galloway and Gains for lunch. Went to Stone Cutter’s with children and Grants.

Wednesday, August 24
Meeting. Studied. Albert came home.

Thursday, August 25
Prayer meeting.

Friday, August 26
Looked for a flat. Rented two top flats near Kowloon. Grants rented next door one.

Saturday, August 27
Peniel business meeting. Miss Stodghill, Mr. and Mrs. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Reiton, Mrs. Marsh came. Hired Mrs. Chue and Uu Sz Tai for Nam Tau.

Sunday, August 28
Mr. and Mrs. Lum I and two children, a Miss So and Mr. and Mrs. Grant for lunch. Leung Wai Chi last Sunday in Yaumati (preacher), going back to his home city. Took a collection for him.

Monday, August 29
Mr. and Mrs. Grant and we went to Mr. Lum’s for supper. Albert to Nam Tau. Rented this house at 13 Coronation Road for our last month to Jaffray’s. New preacher came.

Tuesday, August 30
Packed and had callers all day.

Wednesday, August 31
Albert came home from Nam Tau at noon and coolies came and we moved – first night in our new Chinese flight.

Thursday, September 1
Albert in Hong Kong, also Miss Stodghill. I unpacked, etc. Prayer meeting. Hired this Mung Liu Chung preacher for one month. Water man began – two tams for 80 cents a month.

Friday, September 2
Mr. Grant’s birthday. They came down here.

Saturday, September 3
Worked all day. Getting the house clean.

Sunday, September 4
Mung Siu S. preached. At Grant’s for lunch. Rain. Prepared to go to Nam Tau.

Monday, September 5
Got up at 3:00 A.M. Girls, Albert and I went to Nam Tau. Poured rain. Decorated chapel, etc.

Tuesday, September 6
Opening Day of Nam Tau Chapel. Tseng Chi Chik preacher. House packed with people, officials, etc.

Wednesday, September 7
Came home again. Mr. Smith here.

Thursday, September 8
Grants moving next door. One tam of wood.

Friday, September 9
17 callers. Brother and Sister Ellis, Brother and Sister Grant, Brother Smith and Sister Stodghill for supper. Ellises going to Shiu Hing.

Saturday, September 10
Wrote letters, callers and work in general.

Sunday, September 11
Meetings – Brother Smith preached. Meeting at Miss Meadow’s – Brother S. preached.

Monday, September 12
Callers. Meeting. Albert left for Nam Tau.

Tuesday, September 13
Went to Hong Kong and Matilda with Mrs. Grant. Meeting.

Wednesday, September 14
Women’s meeting.

Thursday, September 15
Brother Smith left for Kwai Uen. Ellises for Shiu Hing.

Friday, September 16
Worked hard all day. Business meeting at night. Miss Stodghill and Albert left at 11:00 P.M. for Nam Tau station.

Saturday, September 17
Canned 30 pints of persimmons. Ah Tsz left the 15th for country.

Sunday, September 18
Sunday school and church. Solider and sailor came. Meeting.

Monday, September 19
Helen and Rose Edna started to Kowloon Junior School.

Tuesday, September 20
Meeting – sent groceries to Nam Tau.

Wednesday, September 21
Business meeting (Cheung Pak Hon out).

Thursday, September 22
Callers galore. Meeting. Bought one dozen pair socks for girls – $1.25.

Friday, September 23
Went to Hong Kong and bought oil cooker – $43.50.

Saturday, September 24
Supper – first meal on cooker. Worked all day.

Sunday, September 25
Three good meetings – two at altar. Alexander’s bread – 2 pounds.

Monday, September 26
Callers. Letters and meeting. Mr. Lum here.

Tuesday, September 27
Albert at Nam Tau. Rose Edna won an apple in school for drawing the best one.

Wednesday, September 28
Women’s meeting. Called and held night meeting. Albert came home.

Thursday, September 29
Prayer meeting. Letters.

Friday, September 30
First baking in oil oven. Seven callers. Wong Si Ni (Bible woman’s last day). Sent circular letter.

Saturday, October 1
Prayer meeting. Miss Meadows, Pierce and Grants here.

Sunday, October 2
Three meetings. Communion.

Monday, October 3
My birthday. Mrs. Grant gave me tea kettle, Mr. MacKenzie a motto. Meetings. Albert gave me a kimono.

Tuesday, October 4
Made four calls. Meeting, letters, lengthened platform in chapel. Two new chairs, new song books. First night had lights in house.

Wednesday, October 5
Women’s meeting. Mrs. Grubbs there.

Thursday, October 6
Gone all day calling. Prayer meeting.

Friday, October 7
Miss Pierce spent day here. Mrs. Grubbs came. Mr. and Mrs. Mann rented two flats next to Grants. Mrs. Grant sick during night. Meeting.

Saturday, October 8
Mrs. Grant sick all day. Ah Nang left at 3:00 for country.

Sunday, October 9
Blind man’s wife came to help. Meeting. Miss Pierce came home with us.

Monday, October 10
Miss Pierce and I went over to meet Miss Stodghill. She didn’t come. Meeting.

Tuesday, October 11
Miss Stodghill came. Miss Pierce came. Teachers, preachers, etc.

Wednesday, October 12
Women’s meeting. Callers.

Thursday, October 13
Prayer meeting. Rose Edna weighs 45-1/2 lbs.

Friday, October 14
Miss Stodghill left on launch for Nam Tau. Miss Pierce came – decided to work with us for a while. Miss Hitchcock came to meet Mr. Flax.

Saturday, October 15
Callers. Worked all day in flat – cleaned for Miss Pierce.

Sunday, October 16
Mr. and Mrs. Crofts and children came on China for Pak Hoi. Mr. Flax spoke at Miss Meadow’s. We went at 3:00 P.M. Three meetings at chapel.

Monday, October 17
Miss Pierce moved into her flat just under us – $16.00 rent. Ah Nang back from country. Salvation Army woman and daughter spoke at mission. Also Brother Croft. Miss Pierce interpreted. Mung Siu Shang went to Nam Tau. Loh, Chi, Cho and wife came down from Canton (preacher).

Tuesday, October 18
First tam of water for Miss Pierce. Meeting. Albert went to Nam Tau!

Wednesday, October 19
Man began to work on door. Women’s meeting. Night meeting.

Thursday, October 20
Callers, prayer meeting and callers. Albert came back.

Friday, October 21
Made Rose Edna’s blue dress. Meeting.

Saturday, October 22
Callers. Miss Pierce made cot. Albert went to Man Tau again.

Sunday, October 23
Three meetings. Crofts and Mr. Olsen here and Miss Pierce. Albert came home.

Monday, October 24
Meeting. Sewed, had callers, etc.

Tuesday, October 25
Miss Pierce went up country. Let Mr. Lo Chi Cho go back to Canton (preacher).

Wednesday, October 26
Women’s meeting. Night meeting. Callers.

Thursday, October 27
Prayer meeting. Mr. Grant sick. Ah Nang left.

Friday, October 28
Sanitary people fumigated Grant’s house. Brother Grant was taken to Government Hospital in Hong Kong – scarlet fever. Mrs. Grant here with us. Meeting.

Saturday, October 29
Preacher from Nam Tau called. Worked hard all day.

Sunday, October 30
Meetings. Went to Government Hospital with Mrs. Grant to visit Mr. Grant.

Monday, October 31
Work in general.

Tuesday, November 1
Took Mrs. Grant to Matilda. Mr. Grant came back from Government Hospital. Girls began half day school. Ah Choi began work.

Wednesday, November 2
Women’s meeting. Mrs. Grant’s son born at Matilda at 1:000 P.M., Wednesday, November 2, 1921.

Thursday, November 3
Prayer meeting.

Friday, November 4
Called on Mrs. Grant and saw the new son.

Saturday, November 5
Prayer meeting at Miss Meadow’s. Work in general.

Sunday, November 6
Three meetings.

Monday, November 7
Bible woman began.

Tuesday, November 8
Made red velvet quilt.

Wednesday, November 9
Women’s meeting. Miss Pierce came back from country. Albert went to Nam Tau.

Thursday, November 10
Prayer meeting. James (Smith’s friends came), Munroe’s girl from Canton came to Miss Pierce. Made net and bed top for Mrs. Grant’s baby.

Friday, November 11
No school. Went calling. Work in general.

Saturday, November 12
Called all P.M. Meeting.

Sunday, November 13
Went to meeting and Sunday school. Visit Mrs. Grant in hospital.

Monday, November 14
Work in general. Meeting.

Tuesday, November 15
Calling. Munroe’s girl went with her father to her country home.

Wednesday, November 16
Women’s meeting. Thieves gagged and bound amah on second floor on Sunday night. Twenty women at meeting. Miss Meadows came.

Thursday, November 17
Fired Bible woman through Mr. Cowles. Prayer meeting. Sent windows to Nam Tau.

Friday, November 18
Meeting. Made Helen and Rose Edna’s hats. Mr. and Mrs. Hensley here.

Saturday, November 19
Rain. Work in general.

Sunday, November 20
Mrs. Grant came home with her son. Meetings.

Monday, November 21
Work in general. Meeting. Called at the school.

Tuesday, November 22
Peniel open eight years. Meeting from 6:30 to 10:00 (Wong S.S. preacher from country came). Ten at altar. Decorated with flags. Gave bananas and oranges.

Wednesday, November 23
Women’s meeting. Meeting. Went to Hong Kong and called on Oo Man Sang’s people.

Thursday, November 24
Thanksgiving Day. Miss Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Grant for dinner. Prayer meeting. Callers and prayer meeting at chapel.

Friday, November 25
Cottage meeting at Tse Si Ni. One soul saved. Called.

Saturday, November 26
Mr. MacKay took us for a picnic and auto ride to Castle Peak. Albert and I and girls. Mr. Swedner and Mr. Lee left at 1:30 and returned at 9:00 P.M. Tea and dinner on beach.

Sunday, November 27
Three meetings. Miss Pierce for dinner. Callers.

Monday, November 28
Miss Pierce went to Canton meeting. At Grant’s for supper.

Tuesday, November 29
Made blue velvet quilt for Miss Stodghill. Meeting.

Wednesday, November 30
Women’s meeting. Night meeting. Work in general. Miss Pierce and Miss Friske came down from Canton.

Thursday, December 1
Bible woman from Canton. Meeting at Chau Si Ni. Prayer meeting.

Friday, December 2
Meeting near police station. Meeting at night. Bible woman left for Nam Tau.

Saturday, December 3
Mr. Cowles here. Prayer meeting. James came back from Smith’s. Miss Meadows, Mr. Mann, Friske, Grants and Pierce here.

Sunday, December 4
Mr. James preached. Miss Pierce interpreted. All here for supper. Meeting.

Monday, December 5
Meeting. Work in general.

Tuesday, December 6
Business meeting (Peniel foreign) meeting.

Wednesday, December 7
Albert and Wong S.S. left for Sha Tseung. Women’s meeting.

Thursday, December 8
Rose Edna’s birthday. Blackboard – $1 and box of candy from Mrs. Grant. Waiting for daddy to come home to have her birthday cake – 7 years old. Meeting.

Friday, December 9
Meeting at Leung Kam Lai. Meeting at night.

Saturday, December 10
Boxes from U.S. came. White washed chapel.

Sunday, December 11
Three meetings. At Grant’s for dinner. MacKenzie called.

Monday, December 12
MacKay left for Australia. Unpacked missionary boxes. Got benches from Gospel Hall. Various callers. Meetings, etc.

Tuesday, December 13
Meeting at shoemaker. Calls. Meeting at chapel. Callers.

Wednesday, December 14
Women’s meeting. Hong Kong with Mrs. Grant. Callers. Prepared to leave for Man Tau.

Thursday, December 15
Left at 4:00 A.M. for Nam Tau. Meeting at night.

Friday, December 16
Miss Stodghill and I went calling. Meeting at night.

Saturday, December 17
Left at 6:30 and arrived at Hong Kong 1:30 P.M. Salvation Army folks came to chapel. Fifty foreigners at meeting.

Sunday, December 18
Communion Sunday – souls saved. Callers.

Monday, December 19
Sent old clothes, etc. to Nam Tau. Mung went up. Business meeting at chapel. Grants bought safe for testaments in chapel. Inside wall painted. Callers. Tin of figs from Jones, box from Lessie came – lunch set, ribbons and tie, $5.00 from Novacks.

Tuesday, December 20
Grant’s ton of groceries and own box of apples and fruits came. Meeting.

Wednesday, December 21
Went to Hong Kong. Callers. Meeting. Letters.

Thursday, December 22
Cheng Tak Chiu came down from Nam Tau. Had chicken with Grants and Mr. Lum. Callers. Prayer meeting.

Friday, December 23
Miss Stodghill came from Nam Tau. Callers. Examined candidates for baptism until 11:15 P.M.

Saturday, December 24
Miss Stodghill, Miss Pierce, Miss Friske and our family had dinner with Brother and Sister Grant. Prayers. Our Christmas tree in our place – 9:00 P.M.

Sunday, December 25
Christmas Day. Twenty-two baptized – 13 women and 9 men. Kok Sin Shang preached. Dismissed Cheng Tak Chiu as minister on Saturday.

Monday, December 26
Sunday School exercises at 11:00 until 1:00 P.M. Pictures taken and then meeting until 4:30 P.M.

Tuesday, December 27
Work in general. Meeting, etc. Miss Stodghill left for Nam Tau. Albert went too, also Mung S.S. and Tseng Tak Chiu.

Wednesday, December 28
Mr. Ellis came for his boxes. Women’s meeting. Night meeting. Letters, etc.

Thursday, December 29
Albert came home. Meeting. Callers.

Friday, December 30
Whitewashed dining room and kitchen. Meeting.

Saturday, December 31
Mr. Swanson’s sailor from Seattle (on Silver State), Grants and Miss Friske and Pierce had supper with us. Watchnight service at chapel from 9:00 until 12:30 A.M. Over 100 stayed and nine raised their hand desiring to become Christians.

Thus ends our 1921.