G = Grandma Rose Etta Reiton
D.V. = God willing
Monday, January 1
Fed over 400 beggars, lame and blind folk in mission. Went to Grant’s for tea at 5:00 P.M. Mr. Dolley, Miss Bancroft, Miss Myers and our family there. Then we came for our missionary prayer meeting at 6:00 P.M. All missionaries present but Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Oden (Ralph sick).
Tuesday, January 2
Bible school reopened after a week’s vacation. Beautiful weather. Night meetings – souls at altar. Sang Ngah Yat Yat In Tsaam Mei Chue.
Wednesday, January 3
Women’s meeting at Cheung Si Ni on Hamilton Street. Mr. Guy of Bethel Band here. Night meetings.
Thursday, January 4
Mended, had callers, meetings and work in general. So Tsoi Yan and So Tsoi Yeung here. The latter leaves for Shaam Tung Province to enter school on Saturday.
Friday, January 5
Work in general. Sunday school teachers’ study class. Many callers. Meetings. Chinese meal for Larsons and Odens.
Saturday, January 6
Went with Miss Myers to Bethel meetings at Kau Yan Tong (Salvation Hall) – Hong Kong. Workers’ prayer meeting and Bible school teachers’ meeting. Mrs. Larson here to sew. Work in general.
Sunday, January 7
Alice Lan preached at noon in Peniel, here for dinner and then preached in Kei Tak to Wooi at 2:00 P.M. Iris and Mr. Dolley for supper. Good meetings at night.
Monday, January 8
Work in general. Board meeting. Mrs. Burnside called and many others.
Tuesday, January 9
Bethel Band baggage and etc. came in A.M. and Pastor Guy, Mr. Lum and Chang came at night. The two ladies, Miss Lan and Mrs. Guy are at Chung Mow Fung’s. Night meetings, etc.
Wednesday, January 10
Our revival meetings began. Miss Lan preached at 12:00 noon. Mr. Guy at night – big crowd.
Thursday, January 11
Mrs. Guy preached at 12:00 noon on Psalm 36 and Mr. Guy at night. All five of the Band in our home all day. Au Kok Wan at altar.
Friday, January 12
Miss Lan preached in A.M. and Mr. Guy at night.
Saturday, January 13
Mrs. Guy preached in A.M. and Mr. Guy at night. Very full house – many standing. Very busy day.
Sunday, January 14
Communion. Rev. Guy preached A.M. and night. Every seat packed and many standing.
Monday, January 15
Miss Lan in A.M. and Mr. Guy night.
Tuesday, January 16
Mrs. Guy A.M. and Mr. Guy night. All seats taken – all standing room taken – doors and windows full and out into street. James Cheung, Mr. Lum, Miss Lau and Mrs. Guy leave Thursday A.M. Mr. Guy stays for graduation. Eleven bands were formed.
Wednesday, January 17
Women’s meeting at Shamshuipo. Mr. Guy for dinner. The rest out in meetings. John Braga called. He recently returned from his trip to America. Chan Kwong preached here in Yaumati.
Thursday, January 18
Ip Si Ni one month old boy baby feast. Mok Si Ni and Lei Kam Man graduation day from Peniel Bible School. Tea, cake and fruit for over 55 here in our home. The mission at night was full. Rev. Guy preached a good sermon from Matthew 5:1-12.
Friday, January 19
Brother Guy left on early train to join rest of Band in Canton for meetings. Early prayer meeting. Women called with Mak Si Ni. Many callers. A long day.
Saturday, January 20
Married 21 years ago today. A splendid prayer meeting and many callers.
Sunday, January 21
Mr. Cheung preached here. Hassells at Larson’s. Testimony meeting at night. Wilbur and Iris here.
Monday, January 22
Called at Crane’s. A very busy day. Many callers.
Tuesday, January 23
Mr. Dolley for dinner. Hospital meeting. Making green tomato pickle. A Mrs. Beatrice Wong preached for us (formally of Bethel Band). Good meeting.
Wednesday, January 24
Made 19 pints pickle. Women’s meeting at Ng Si Ni. Very cold. Good meeting at night.
Thursday, January 25
Ah Koi went to Shaukiwan to a feast. Mrs. Wong had chapel service this A.M. Work in general. Night meeting.
Friday, January 26
Worked in kitchen. Swanson came back. We were all so glad to see him again. Night meeting.
Saturday, January 27
Prayer and fast day. Mrs. Grant and Miss B not present. Swanson here – sailed at 6:00 P.M. for Manila. Also Mr. Dolley left on same ship. Very cold.
Sunday, January 28
Good meetings all day. Called at poor farm. Souls at altars.
Monday, January 29
Went to Hong Kong and talked price for flat on Nathan Road, just back of prayer loft – not settled yet. Missionary prayer meeting – all present. Got canned fruit from Phillips.
Tuesday, January 30
Took Tsat Koo to Hong Kong from poor farm in Old Kowloon. Very tired. Went to hospital with Leung Shi Kan and wife – about a hair-lip, baby boy. Went to street meeting and had a chill. Came home during inside meeting and had to go to bed.
Wednesday, January 31
In bed all day – fever and bones ache. Many callers.
Thursday, February 1
Iris came and rubbed my back and gave me orange juice, etc. Many callers.
Friday, February 2
Still in bed. Swanson back from Manila. We notified Lam Si Ni we are moving away from 562 Nathan Road March 1. Many, many callers all day.
Saturday, February 3
Still in bed. Swanson sailed at midnight last night. Prayer meeting. Mrs. Grant and Bancroft called – were here at meeting. Lei Kam Man left for Cheung Chau to be preacher there. John Braga called and brought tin of Ovaltine and Helen and album. Took the folks for a car ride. I feel a little better. Many callers.
Sunday, February 4
Ate dinner at table and also supper. Feel better. Many callers.
Monday, February 5
Over at our new flat all A.M. Mrs. Crane called San Kei and Ip Si Ni, many others. Miss Hitchcock – German Sister – opened last box (eighth one) from U.S. Raisins, auto harp, etc.
Tuesday, February 6
Many callers. Went to meetings again. Work in general.
Wednesday, February 7
Albert’s birthday . Went to Women’s meeting and night meetings. Made Esther’s blue wool dress.
Thursday, February 8
Old linen from hotel. Mended, meetings, etc.
Friday, February 9
Made Esther gingham dress and worked at many odds and ends. Meetings.
Saturday, February 10
Workers’ prayer meeting. All present but Miss Bancroft. Made pink curtain – 4 yards $1. Helen Sunday school picnic and Esther visited at Matilda.
Sunday, February 11
Hung Hom Kwok preached – good meetings all day. Callers, etc.
Monday, February 12
Worked at new home – busy all day.
Tuesday, February 13
Another full day. Night meetings. Chinese New Year – very noisy.
Wednesday, February 14
Chinese New Year ‘s Day. 35 at Women’s meeting at Au Si Ni on Shanghai Street. Many open air meetings. Mrs. Kwok Yan Hoi had night meetings. Albert, Esther and I have slept two nights at 563 Nathan Road. Mr. Oden, Grant and Larson helped paint.
Thursday, February 15
Moving part of our things today. Fa I and Ah Joe helping. Bible study at night.
Friday, February 16
Moved from 562 Nathan Road to 563 Nathan Road just back of Peniel Mission. Got nicely settled. Meeting at night. Many good reports of New Year Open air meetings.
Saturday, February 17
Workers’ Prayer meeting. Good spirit. Mrs. Grant here, but not Miss Bancroft. Iris and Wilbur here. Served cake and tea.
Sunday, February 18
Albert preached – large crowd. Odens for dinner. First Sun in our home 563 Nathan Road. Good meeting at night.
Monday, February 19
Iris, Wilbur and Chan Kwong for supper. Mr. Hassell called and many others.
Tuesday, February 20
Wrote and work in general. Night meetings.
Wednesday, February 21
Early prayer meeting, Women’s meeting and night meetings. Herbert Larson entered Kowloon Hospital to remove tonsils.
Thursday, February 22
My father’s birthday. Went to Dr. Clift’s Bible Union meeting and to Koon Chung meeting. Work in general.
Friday, February 23
Miss Maiden came down from Matilda and sails for Shanghai tomorrow A.M. Miss Cole, Pierce, Maiden, McPherson and Myers for supper. Also Evelyn and Sybil. Night meetings.
Saturday, February 24
Prayer and fast day. A pretty day and a busy day.
Sunday, February 25
Good meetings – large crowds – souls at altar. Iris, Chan Kwong and Shui Laan for meals.
Monday, February 26
Rain. Made Esther gym dress. Called and had callers.
Tuesday, February 27
Hospital meeting. Called, sewed and night meetings. Miss Bancroft for dinner. Miss Myers went with her to Cheung Chau. Herbert Larson came out of hospital Monday and is still in bed.
Wednesday, February 28
Women’s meeting at Koon Chung – King Sy Koo house. Mrs. Crane brought me a lovely cake as a “house warmer”. Night meetings.
Thursday, March 1
Cold and rainy. Night meetings.
Friday, March 2
Miss Myers back from Cheung Chau. Cold. Early prayer meeting, night meetings. Letters, etc.
Saturday, March 3
Workers’ prayer meeting. Grants or Bancroft not present. Busy day.
Sunday, March 4
Wilbur Lee preached here in Yaumati – first time since we discharged him several years ago. Good meetings all day. Larson’s wedding day.
Monday, March 5
Made Esther’s gym dress. Called at Grant’s with Miss Myers.
Tuesday, March 6
Hospital Meeting and night meeting. Shui Laan made Esther blue cap and sweater out of wool dress suit.
Wednesday, March 7
Women’s meeting in Shamshuipo. Called at Burnside’s with Miss Pierce. Street and night meeting. Work in general, callers, etc.
Thursday, March 8
Callers. Work in general. Went to Hong Kong. Gym cloth – 39 cents yard and my brown shoes – $2.90. Night meetings.
Friday, March 9
Work in general. Called at Old Peoples home. Night meeting.
Saturday, March 10
Workers’ meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Grant came. Callers. Children’s sports at school. They both got prizes. Fung Hin Kai for supper.
Sunday, March 11
Called and had callers and good meetings.
Monday, March 12
Held open air meetings in Kowloon City. Sewed and wrote and work in general.
Tuesday, March 13
Hospital meeting and night meeting. Callers and called, etc.
Wednesday, March 14
Chau Si Ni funeral – woman we dealt with and was saved in hospital meeting – leaves husband and 10 year old boy. Women’s meeting at So Si No – good attendance. Called and prayed for several sick ones out in harbor. Night meetings.
Thursday, March 15
A Miss Richardson and Soal came from Japan enroute to England on furlough. Had supper here and went to ship after meeting. Had cottage meeting at Lam I – Chan Kwong preached.
Friday, March 16
Work in general and made Esther’s dress. Twelve at altar in night meeting.
Saturday, March 17
Work in general. Got Helen and Esther each gym shoes and leather shoes. Prayer meeting. Neither Mrs. Grant or Bancroft here. We went to see the Searchlight display in harbor – 9:00 to 9:30 P.M. Very pretty. A busy day.
Sunday, March 18
Albert preached in A.M. – good meetings all day.
Monday, March 19
Made Helen dress. Went to three open air meetings. Very busy, warm day.
Tuesday, March 20
Hospital and night meetings. Prayed in several homes. Work in general.
Wednesday, March 21
Women’s meeting in Hong Kong at a Mrs. Cheung’s. A very nice meeting. Street and night meetings. Made Helen a coat to her dress.
Thursday, March 22
Called and had callers and meetings, etc.
Friday, March 23
Ah Koi sprained her ankle in falling at the kitchen door. Cheung woman is helping wash. Mr. Swanson came. Many, many callers.
Saturday, March 24
Swanson, Albert and I had dinner at Oden’s. P.M. prayer meeting – all foreign workers present – for a little while. Swanson for supper with others.
Sunday, March 25
Large crowd. Albert spoke in A.M. and Kwok at night. A Mr. Sorefleet sang a solo. He was here for dinner.
Monday, March 26
Open air meetings from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. back of Old Kowloon City. Esther’s canvas shoes – $1.40 and Albert’s $2.50.
Tuesday, March 27
Very warm. Hospital meeting. Called and then had night meetings.
Wednesday, March 28
Women’s meeting at Faan Si Ni. Night meetings. Busy day.
Thursday, March 29
Went to Matilda with Mrs. Oden. Also visited Mrs. Dr. Herbert Taylor, Mrs. Winters and Mrs. Oldfield. Took Laam Tak Ching to Nethersole Hospital at 4:00 P.M. – she had 103 fever and terrible headache. Went to Bible Union meeting at Dr. Clift’s. Night meetings here in Peniel.
Friday, March 30
Good Friday. All the missionaries and children, but the Grants and Bancroft, were here for a sandwich supper and visit with Swanson, and a Mr. Jackson. Mr. Sorefleet and Esther Crane also here. Night meeting and Swanson sailed at midnight for U.S.A.
Saturday, March 31
Prayer and fast day. All present but Mrs. Grant and Miss Bancroft. Many callers.
Sunday, April 1
Easter. Miss Pierce preached here in Yaumati. Also Communion – big audience. No Easter lilies. Cold and rain. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Cullie were in meeting from Manila (formerly Miss Sharick). Good meetings at night and souls at altar.
Monday, April 2
What a day. Chan Hoi was married here by Mr. Oden at 12:00 noon. Mr. Cheung, Leung, Tang, Hoh, and Kwok Yan Hoi here and myself. Tea and cake afterward and the Kwok family present. Had eight Bible school students here to deal with for not keeping school rules. Than a board meeting and then to see a preacher in Hong Kong about opening work in the interior. Missionary prayer meeting at 6:00 P.M. Called on Wong Si Ni who is sick and prayed for her. Called at Larson’s. All present at prayer meeting but Miss Bancroft.
Tuesday, April 3
Another meeting with students. Ah Mun is put out of Peniel Bible school because he refuses to keep rules. Chan Kwong Fai and Wong Kwai Fong for three days to confess or else for good. Others 10 and 20% taken off grades and a public confession. Tak Ching is still very sick. Night meetings.
Wednesday, April 4
Went to see Tak Ching – she had typhoid. Sanitary Board coolies cleaned her room and disinfected her clothes and bedding. Tsat Koo is here, and also Miss Bancroft. Night meetings. Work in general.
Thursday, April 5
Miss Myers and Albert went to Hong Kong with Tsat Koo. Esther and I went with many others to cemetery. Chinese decoration day. Night meetings. Made Esther gym dress. Work in general.
Friday, April 6
Tsat Koo still here. Many callers. Rain. Night meetings. Called with Miss Pierce. Bought tan flowered curtain cloth for bedroom.
Saturday, April 7
Took Tsat Koo back to Old Peoples home. Prayer meeting, Bible school business meeting and then board meeting. Then “Po To Tuen” meeting in mission. A busy day.
Sunday, April 8
Meetings all day. Called on Tak Ching – she is about the same.
Monday, April 9
Lum I came out of Nethersole Hospital today. We had a meeting in his home. They moved Saturday into the second floor over “Kei Tuk To Wooi” – a nice place.
Tuesday, April 10
Did not go to hospital meeting. Work in general. Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson from England to Japan had supper with us and stayed for meeting. Sailed at midnight.
Wednesday, April 11
Women’s meeting. Work in general. We had a letter yesterday with a check for $3,000 mex. To finish our debt on Peniel Mission Hall – Praise God! Night meetings, etc.
Thursday, April 12
Made my black hat, wrote letters, had callers. Meetings.
Friday, April 13
Mr. Larson, Albert, Mr. Cheung, Leung Chan Kwong, Fung Hin Kai went to interior. Sz Wooi district. Left on 5:00 boat for Saam Shui. Night meetings. Two Pilipino boys from U.S.A. called and had dinner with us and sailed at 9:00 for Manila.
Saturday, April 14
Miss Bancroft in prayer meeting a little while. Mr. and Mrs. Grant also present. Mrs. Larson and children for supper. Many callers. Children at Scripture Union picnic.
Sunday, April 15
Meetings and callers all day. Called at Nethersole – Tak Ching about the same.
Monday, April 16
Cleaned prayer loft, made Esther a dress and work in general. Albert and Larsons and the rest returned from Sz Wooi at 8:00 P.M. Good opportunities.. Dr. and Mrs. Cullie called.
Tuesday, April 17
Hospital meeting and night meeting. Work in general.
Wednesday, April 18
Women’s meting at Shamshuipo. Early prayer meeting. Work in general. Night meetings.
Thursday, April 19
Work in general – wrote, sewed, dyed, patched, etc. Meetings.
Friday, April 20
Made dress for Mrs. Larson. Night meetings. Mrs. Larson and Eugene here.
Saturday, April 21
Went to Hong Kong. Prayer meeting. Grants here. Not Miss Bancroft. Worked all day.
Sunday, April 22
Albert preached. Callers. Night meetings.
Monday, April 23
Called, sewed, wrote and had callers, etc.
Tuesday, April 24
Very warm. Dealt with converts. Began examination of converts for baptism at 7:00 P.M.
Wednesday, April 25
Went to see Tsat Koo. Called at Grant’s. women’s meeting. Called at Ue Si Ni. Made my blue flowered dress – $1.00 mex. Examined more candidates again until 10:00 P.M.
Thursday, April 26
Cooler and rain. Visited Tak Ching – she is better. Called at Crane’s. Work in general. Examined candidates until 11:00 P.M.
Friday, April 27
Tsat Koo came with Mrs. Edwin Lee. Albert went to Hong Kong with her and then Miss Pierce took her back to Old Peoples home. Again examined candidates.
Saturday, April 28
Prayer and fast day. Miss Bancroft came. Wilbur bought piano and settee and two chairs (stuffed) at auction – $225.00 for piano and $44.00 for chairs. Many callers. Work in general.
Sunday, April 29
Warm. Mr. Oden baptized 49 candidates. As soon as the meeting was over it poured rain and turned colder. Good meetings all day. Im Si Ni and Wong Kwai Fong were baptized too!
Monday, April 30
Cold. Missionary prayer meeting. Grants not here. Miss Bancroft came. A busy day.
Tuesday, May 1
Hospital meeting and night meetings. A busy day.
Wednesday, May 2
Women’s meeting in Shamshuipo. Called. Night meetings. A Miss F. Masters from Bombay Methodist work called and is enroute to Japan for trip was in meeting.
Thursday, May 3
Sewed. Meetings. Called. Ralph is sick.
Friday, May 4
Night meetings. Sunday school study class. Work in general.
Saturday, May 5
Workers’ prayer meeting and Bible school business meeting. Mr. Grant was at prayer meeting. Many callers. Funeral of a little 14-year old boy.
Sunday, May 6
Good meetings all day. Salvation Army English ladies in night meetings – souls seeking.
Monday, May 7
Rain. Went to see Tak Ching – she is normal, but very weak. Callers and work in general.
Tuesday, May 8
Rain. Hospital meeting, open air and night meeting.
Wednesday, May 9
Called on Tsat Koo – she is not straight in her mind. Night meeting. Work in general.
Thursday, May 10
Called at Crane’s. Eugene Larson here. Bible school board meeting. Night meeting and work in general.
Friday, May 11
Worked hard all day. Men here last night enroute to Unan from China Inland Missionaries. Night meetings.
Saturday, May 12
Workers’ prayer meeting. Grants present. Albert and I went to Iris Kei graduation as trained nurse at 7:00 P.M. over in Hong Kong.
Sunday, May 13
Hung Hom Kwok preached. Mr. French here for dinner. Kwok and Ue Ying’s children have measles.
Monday, May 14
Went to funeral of a boat man – he was in meeting yesterday and died during the night. A terrible explosion of gas tank at West Point at 11:00 A.M. Many were killed and many houses burned. Called. Esther goes each Monday night with Miss Myers to boat meetings.
Tuesday, May 15
Kwok’s baby very sick – going into hospital. Night meeting and hospital meeting.
Wednesday, May 16
Women’s meeting and night meeting. Early prayer meeting and work in general.
Thursday, May 17
Visited Tak Ching – she can sit up in bed now. Night meetings. Callers.
Friday, May 18
Worked all day. Night meetings. Callers, etc.
Saturday, May 19
Ue Si Ni moved into 100 Portland Street (our old home). Had a meeting there at 1:00 P.M. Swanson came from U.S.A. He has had a paralytic stroke and not working. He looks poorly. Stayed here until about 10:00 and the ship sailed at 11:00 P.M. for Manila. Mr. Jackson brought Esther a doll.
Sunday, May 20
Albert preached – full house. Night meetings – souls at altar.
Monday, May 21
Very hot. Made Esther’s net for cot. Bank holiday. Cranes, Burnsides and others and our family went to 11-mile beach with John Braga – had a nice time. Helen also went to a teacher’s supper at Mrs. Bechtel in honor of Mary Braga leaving tomorrow night for U.S.A. for a six-month trip.
Tuesday, May 22
Oden’s got mattress from U.S.A. on Jackson Saturday. Albert is getting it for them. Hospital meeting and night meeting. Callers.
Wednesday, May 23
Larsons for dinner. She sewed here. Many callers. Did not go to Women’s meeting. Night meeting. Wong Kwai Fong preached at night meeting.
Thursday, May 24
Helen went to Island. Bank holiday. Work in general. Night meeting. Very hard rain.
Friday, May 25
I spoke to the students at chapel. Sub Guidance – Balaam. Mr. Swanson here. Mr. Shultz, Mrs. Kugler Sheets and husband (Pentecostal) arrived from U.S.A. living upstairs over us with Bullocks. Many, many callers. Got to sleep at 1:00 A.M.
Saturday, May 26
Up at 5:30 A.M. Swanson sailed at 8:00 for U.S.A. Also Mr. Kilbourne who has been in Canton sails for U.S.A. Tak Ching is home. Albert and I went for her – in hospital since March 28 – had typhoid. Prayer and fast day. Mr. Grant for supper. Many callers. A very busy day.
Sunday, May 27
Mr. Philippi preached in A.M. They and Odens for supper. A full day.
Monday, May 28
Hassells called and many others. Work in general. Missionary prayer meeting. All present but Mrs. Larson.
Tuesday, May 29
Helped Mrs. Oden make a maternity dress. Night meetings. Callers. Work in general.
Wednesday, May 30
Chan Fa I wedding. Married Leung Shui Mooi – both our Christians. Married by Albert on boat in harbor. We went to their feast at 4:00. Night meetings. Work in general.
Thursday, May 31
Worked all day. Many callers. Night meetings.
Friday, June 1
Chapel service until 11:00 A.M. Tea at 12:00 noon – over 60 here. Had cake, fruit and three drinks. Tak Ching, Fung Hin Kai and Chan Wai Fong graduation day and Bible school closes. Mr. French from Canton is here for the message. John Braga played Happy Day and My Jesus I Love Thee on his violin. Odens, Mr. French and I went for a car ride after meeting. A very blessed service.
Saturday, June 2
Helen Ingram, 12 years old, was buried – died of meningitis. Very hard rain. Brother French here. Workers’ prayer meeting.
Sunday, June 3
Very hard rain. Brother French preached in noon and night. Good crowds and the Lord was with us. King of England’s birthday.
Monday, June 4
Made net for our big bed – $11 besides top. Called on Tsat Koo. French went back to Canton. Many callers. Had pictures taken with graduates.
Tuesday, June 5
Hospital meeting. Made Esther’s dress. Night meetings. Went to Koon Chung meeting. Very hard rain.
Wednesday, June 6
Dewed. Women’s meeting at Koon Chung. Night meetings. A very busy day.
Thursday, June 7
Rain. Larsons spent the day here. She sewed. Night meetings. Many callers.
Friday, June 8
Made Helen’s birthday dress – blue with white sleeves and collar. Night meeting.
Saturday, June 9
Very precious prayer meeting. Prayed for the three new workers – Fung, Chan and Taam. Many callers. Had our pictures for passports taken.
Sunday, June 10
A very large morning crowd. Fung Hin Kai left on 7:00 P.M. boat for Yeung Kong. Oden, Reiton, Esther, Myers, McPherson and I and a number of Chinese went to see him off.
Monday, June 11
Tried to sew. Very many callers. Work in general.
Tuesday, June 12
Helen is 18 years old today. Ruth, Esther Crane and Elizabeth Rousseau had supper with her. She got stockings, perfume, ivory paper knife and ivory pin, handkerchiefs, etc.
Wednesday, June 13
Work in general. Night meetings.
Thursday, June 14
Helped Mrs. Larson make mosquito net. Went to Hong Kong. Many callers. Meetings.
Friday, June 15
Mrs. Crane for lunch. Miss Pierce, Albert, Esther and I went to Cheung Chau. Examined candidates for baptism until 9:00 P.M. Called in Dr. Clift’s home. Slept in Hitchcock house.
Saturday, June 16
Baptized six men and one woman. Communion. Dedicated Lei _____ Tai’s baby. Preaching service. We left on 4:00 P.M. launch for home. A Mrs. Dr. Arvey (a tourist from Los Angeles) was at Island with Miss Bancroft. Ruth Crane’s birthday.
Sunday, June 17
Leung Chan Kwong preached. A boat-man gave Esther a wee puppy dog. Callers. Night meetings – changed to 7:30 P.M. on street and 8:00 P.M. indoors.
Monday, June 18
Worked hard all day.
Tuesday, June 19
MacKenzie returned from Australia at 8:00 A.M. Miss Whiteman returned from England and Scotland enroute to Japan. She spent the day here and sailed at 6:00 P.M. Miss Bancroft and Dr. Arvey had supper here. Night meetings, hospital meeting and a very full day. Miss McPherson went to Canton for their graduation tonight. Rain. Many callers.
Wednesday, June 20
Early prayer meeting. Funeral of a woman recently saved. Women’s meeting at Tsz Si Ni. Tak Ching preached street and night meetings.
Thursday, June 21
Called on Tsat Koo and at Grant’s. Had lunch there. Willard in Kowloon Hospital. Night meetings. Many callers.
Friday, June 22
Very heavy rains. Night meetings. Work in general.
Saturday, June 23
Workers’ meeting. Lei Koo Neung had communion in hospital. Many callers. Gave Esther’s Jimmy dog to Grant’s children.
Sunday, June 24
Mr. Oden preached in A.M. – large crowds. Good meetings all day.
Monday, June 25
Rain. Callers. Called in Iris and Wilbur’s intended home. They have already received many presents.
Tuesday, June 26
Sewed and went to meetings. Callers, etc. Mrs. Crane and Rebecca here.
Wednesday, June 27
Work in general. Rain. Women’s meeting and night meetings.
Thursday, June 28
Mrs. Larson and children here. Bullocks are moving from over us to Ho Mun Tin. Night meetings.
Friday, June 29
Wilbur Lee and Iris Kei were married at St. Andrews Church at 4:30 and then every one went in taxis to restaurant on Reclamation Street. Yaumati to Chinese feast – 100 or more present. Night meetings. Ah Choi and Hoh Man Sam came back from Kwai Uen – gone six months. They are here with us.
Saturday, June 30
Prayer and fast day and then we went out for a car ride and supper with Mr. Braga.
Sunday, July 1
Communion. Larson preached A.M. Wilbur Lee at night. Mr. Kwok has vacation this month. Large crowds and good services.
Monday, July 2
Oden’s are moving from across street to over us at 563 Nathan Road. Missionary prayer meeting at Miss Bancroft’s. All 12 present. She had ice cream.
Tuesday, July 3
Hospital meeting. We begin having only Friday night and Sunday meetings for the summer months. Many callers. Work in general.
Wednesday, July 4
Rain. Women’s meeting at Chan Si Ni. Many callers. Went to Hung Hom Beach with Larson family, Esther and Albert.
Thursday, July 5
Worked all day. Called at Braga’s with Miss Pierce.
Friday, July 6
Ten yards cloth – $1.00. Very pretty. Night meetings. A busy day.
Saturday, July 7
Workers’ meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Grant here. Rain. Many callers.
Sunday, July 8
Hung Hom Kwok and Ah Choi preached – big crowds. Cat scratched Esther on lip. Kwong Wa nurse put tape on it. Much rain.
Monday, July 9
Went to Dr. Smalley about my side. Rain. Mrs. McKay died yesterday and buried today. Albert, Miss Pierce and I went to funeral. Also to Rose Edna’s grave.
Tuesday, July 10
Had my side X-rayed at Kowloon Hospital. Called on Willard Grant. Mrs. Larson here.
Wednesday, July 11
Early prayer meeting and Women’s meeting. Miss Myers had the meeting. Work in general.
Thursday, July 12
Chan In Kwong was married here in our home by Albert at 12:00 noon. Chan Kwong interpreted and Miss Cole played Wedding march. Had house decorated with asparagus fern and flowers. Tea near Koon Chung mission in a restaurant. Mrs. French and Miss Tate came from Cheung Chau – here for supper. Typhoon signals up. Ah Choi and Hoh Man Sam for supper too.
Friday, July 13
Early prayer meeting. Very warm. Rain. Typhoon signals down. Many callers. Miss Tate preached here in Yaumati – “God a Consuming Fire”. Good crowd. Splendid meeting. Wilbur interpreted.
Saturday, July 14
Miss Tate sailed for England at noon. Mr. and Mrs. French here and many others. Workers’ prayer meeting. A blessed day.
Sunday, July 15
Mr. Cheung preached here in A.M. Hoh Man Sham at night. Ah Ho sick. I got dinner. Very hot day.
Monday, July 16
Very hot. Helped wash. Made Esther three underwaists. Many callers. Wrote and work in general.
Tuesday, July 17
Larsons family for dinner. Miss Bancroft called, Mr. French and many others. Work in general.
Wednesday, July 18
Early prayer meeting. Albert and I and Mr. and Mrs. Hassell had _____ with Iris and Wilbur. Very hot. Could not go to Women’s meeting.
Thursday, July 19
Wrote for Flashlight. Very hot. many callers.
Friday, July 20
Ah Choi for breakfast. Crane girls dinner. Early prayer meeting and night meeting. A busy day.
Saturday, July 21
Rain. Sewed. Sent circular to printer. Prayer meeting. Grants, Bancroft and Mr. Cheung not here.
Sunday, July 22
Chan Kwong preached A.M. Rain. Shui Laan at night. Very hard rain. Good meetings and good crowds.
Monday, July 23
Rain all day. Many callers.
Tuesday, July 24
Eleven for dinner. Pauline French spending a few days with Esther.
Wednesday, July 25
Meeting for women. I did not go. Took Pauline and Esther to beach. Many callers.
Thursday, July 26
Mrs. French and Hassell here. Took Pauline back to Cheung Chau. Mrs. Burtt and Esther called. Had Bible school board meeting. Elizabeth and Sybil Rousseau for dinner. Many callers. Work in general. Received package from England – clothing. Mr. MacKenzie came to stay all night.
Friday, July 27
Many callers. Helped Mrs. Larson make cover for her baby carriage. A busy day in general. Night meetings and teachers’ meeting.
Saturday, July 28
Prayer and fast day. Grants called and many others. Proofread Flashlight. Rain. Quite cool.
Sunday, July 29
Rain and more rain all day. Brother Oden preached in A.M. on Camels. Wilbur interpreted. He and Iris here for dinner. Mr. Kwok preached at night – good crowds all day and souls at altar.
Monday, July 30
Worked all day long. Missionary prayer meeting. Mrs. Grant, Larson and Bancroft not here. Sunday school business meeting.
Tuesday, July 31
Mg Si Ni bird shop on Argle Street was opened today. Had meeting and tea and cake, etc. – 40 or more present. Folded and sent Flashlights. Many callers.
Wednesday, August 1
Early prayer meeting and then prayed for a sick woman. I went to Hong Kong. Miss McPherson went into Matilda for a rest. Had Women’s meeting in Ah Choi home on Hamilton Street. Sick man brought here to pray for and then Ah Ng came for us to pray for Wah Shuk. Then a man came to pray for his wife who is in hospital. Many callers. Albert and Esther went to Macao on early boat. 100 years ago Morrison died. Cool and rainy. Grants left for their vacation in Cheung Chau. Pooi Ling meetings began this A.M.
Thursday, August 2
Rain. Called at Wilbur’s and at Ritchie’s and at Larson’s. Went to Koon Chung meeting. Sewed, wrote and had callers, etc.
Friday, August 3
Rain. Worked all day on accounts. Many callers. Teachers’ Sunday school Bible study. Night meeting. Miss Hardy called.
Saturday, August 4
Twenty-nine in prayer meeting. Brother Smith arrived from Kwong Sai. Many callers. Busy day.
Sunday, August 5
Kwok preached about Morrison in A.M. and Brother Smith preached at night – good crowds and souls at altar. Brother Grant, Smith, Chan Kwong and Shui Laan for supper.
Monday, August 6
Mrs. French came to spend a few days and sew. Many, many callers. Chan Wai Fong people dedicated their new boat today. Albert, Mr. Cheung and Chan Kwong left for Yeung Kong. Albert transferred his bus ticket to me. I went for a ride. Broaddus, Ritchie and VonMengerson called.
Tuesday, August 7
Went to beach with Odens and went to Hong Kong – Helen’s bathing suit – $5.00. Many callers. Brother Smith back from Island. Wrote and work in general.
Wednesday, August 8
Mrs. Larson entered Kowloon Hospital at 5:00 A.M. Expects her baby soon. Chang Kam Fuk and Kam Sui, Jack and Ruth (their two children) back from South Sea Island. They called. Arrived at 7:00 A.M. Mrs. Larson’s baby boy No. 3 was born at Kowloon Hospital at 8:00 A.M. – weight – 7.5 lbs and 21 inches tall. Mr. and Mrs. Philippi here for dinner. Mrs. French went back to Island. A very sudden storm came up. Esther and Miss Myers went to Kowloon City meeting.
Thursday, August 9
Lei Wai Lin died at 7:00 A.M. (girl with growth on jaw). Funeral at 2:00 P.M. Taxi took 104 to cemetery meeting until 5:15 P.M. Her hands were like wax – she is with Jesus. I went to Crane’s. John Braga took Crane family and me for a ride and home.
Friday, August 10
Bought groceries, meeting and many callers. Wrote and work in general.
Saturday, August 11
Prayer meeting. Brother Smith left for home. Many callers.
Sunday, August 12
Kwok Chuk Wing preached in A.M. and a man from North China at night – big crowds all day. Mrs. A. W. Smith called and brought a Miss Jemima Thompson who is enroute to India to the work the Scandinavian Alliance took over from Peniel.
Monday, August 13
Helen went to Cheung Chau, Esther to Crane’s, Miss Myers to Kowloon City and Hong Kong. I had dinner at Oden’s. Many callers. Miss Myers and I went for ride with Mr. Braga and others.
Tuesday, August 14
Miss Pierce entered Matilda Hospital. Larson children here. He is whitewashing. Rain. I called on Mrs. Larson and John Wesley. Shui Laan stayed all night with me and Lois Crane with Esther.
Wednesday, August 15
Larsons boys here again. Mrs. Oden and Esther went to visit Mrs. Larson. Very windy. Albert and Chan Kwong got home. Mr. Cheung stayed.
Thursday, August 16
Larson children here. Work in general.
Friday, August 17
Helen had tooth filled. Hoh Fuk baby buried. Rain. Night meeting.
Saturday, August 18
Rain. Went shopping. Prayer meeting. Oldfields called. I was out.
Sunday, August 19
Chang Kam Fuk preached. He and Kam Sui here for dinner, also Mr. Grant. Mrs. Larson and John Wesley returned home from Kowloon Hospital. Night meeting, etc.
Monday, August 20
Very hard rain. Cleaned store room at mission. I had six teeth pulled by Dr. Kew. Miss Maru, a Japanese girl, was killed just across street from us. Mrs. Green died suddenly at Cheung Chau.
Tuesday, August 21
Rain! Herbert here. Work in general.
Wednesday, August 22
Eugene went into Victoria Hospital with measles. I visited Mrs. Crane and had supper there. Rain. Mrs. Green buried at Cheung Chau.
Thursday, August 23
Altered dress for Helen. Mrs. French here for dinner. Mr. French in Matilda. I had seven more teeth pulled. Rose Edna in Heaven 11 years today.
Friday, August 24
A man from North China preached. A busy day. Got home at 10:00 P.M.
Saturday, August 25
Prayer and fast day. A good crowd and meeting. Iris and Wilbur for supper. Iris’ half brother died in Canton. Many callers.
Sunday, August 26
Albert preached – a very large crowd. Gave out tithe envelopes. Good meetings all day.
Monday, August 27
Many callers. Im Si Ni in Hong Kong – has invited all the foreigners for a feast. I cannot go on account of having teeth out.
Tuesday, August 28
Albert and Oden went to visit Brother French in Matilda yesterday. Had missionary prayer meeting. Larson, Myers, Odens and our family here. Today sun is trying to shine. Work in general.
Wednesday, August 29
Made my red dress with brown. Many callers. Went to Kowloon meeting. A busy day.
Thursday, August 30
Mrs. French and children came from Cheung Chau. He is in Matilda. Hassells and Philippi planned to go back to Canton. Only Philippi’s went, for Mr. Hassell had sunstroke just when coolies came for their baggage. He had to stay at Cheung Chau. I went to Hong Kong and Dr. Kew about my teeth. Miss Pierce returned from Matilda.
Friday, August 31
Went with Mrs. French to visit at Matilda. Night meeting. Many callers.
Saturday, September 1
Workers’ prayer meeting and Bible school teachers’ business meeting. Very way. Thirty-one in meeting.
Sunday, September 2
Wilbur preached. Mrs. French and Myers sang. John Wesley Larson made his first visit in our home. They had dinner here. Many callers. Good meetings all day. Mr. Grant’s birthday.
Monday, September 3
Made my blue dress. Went to Women’s meeting in Kowloon City. Called at poor farm. French family here. Mr. French went to Island. They cancelled their sailing to Shanghai on account of his nervous breakdown.
Tuesday, September 4
Night meeting. Mrs. French and children left for Cheung Chau. Many callers. Brother Grant for supper.
Wednesday, September 5
Business meeting for Women’s meeting. Had fruit and coffee. Night meeting. Work in general. Very warm.
Thursday, September 6
Work in general. Esther at Crane’s overnight.
Friday, September 7
Made Helen’s green dress in P.M. Night meetings. Many callers. Work in general.
Saturday, September 8
Sunday school picnic – 115 went to Kowloon Tong mountain stream. Workers’ prayer meeting 12:00 noon to 1:00. Very hot. A very busy day. Mrs. French here.
Sunday, September 9
Kwok Tsok Leung for dinner. Mrs. Grant called. Night meetings. Very full day. Miss Bancroft in meeting here.
Monday, September 10
Mrs. French for dinner. Esther and Helen went to Island to stay all night. Herbert Larson’s birthday – 4 years old. He is in Victoria with measles.
Tuesday, September 11
Bible school reopened this A.M. Mr. Oden preached a precious meeting. Munroes returned from U.S.A. and were here for supper and then went on night steamer to Canton.
Wednesday, September 12
Mr. Oden preached at 9:00 A.M. Kwok at 2:00 P.M. Albert at prayer meeting at 7:00 P.M. Splendid meetings.
Thursday, September 13
Oden and Chan Kwong preached. Fine meetings all day.
Friday, September 14
Three ladies from Japan here. Typhoon signals up. Larsons and Oden preached and Lee.
Saturday, September 15
Better weather. Oden and Albert preached. My back troubles me.
Sunday, September 16
Brother Oden preached in A.M. they were here for dinner. I went to Crane’s for supper. Mrs. Braga took me. Blessed day of meetings.
Monday, September 17
Had my lower teeth pulled. Mr. and Mrs. French here. Got station money from U.S.A. Praise God. Girls started to school again.
Tuesday, September 18
Many callers and work another week of prayer in mission.
Wednesday, September 19
Women’s meeting in Koon Chung. Called on Ping Kei children. She is very low in Kowloon hospital. Night meeting – prayer loft. Work in general.
Thursday, September 20
Tak Ching has moved from our home to Portland Street – next to mission with another girl student to live. They are getting settled nicely. We received box from Mrs. Emslie – had figs, etc. in it. Night meetings. Mrs. Larsons and Eugene for supper. My mouth very sore.
Friday, September 21
Work in general. Night meetings. Callers.
Saturday, September 22
Cleaned and then workers’ prayer meeting. Our two weeks of prayer ended.
Sunday, September 23
Kwok preached. A beautiful day. John Wesley Larson was dedicated to the Lord by Albert. Large crowds.
Monday, September 24
Eugene went into Matilda for a month’s rest after measles. Mr. and Mrs. French here. Miss McPherson returned after being in Matilda since August 1. Miss Myers and I bought a clock for Koon Chung Mission – $15.00.
Tuesday, September 25
Mrs. Oden entered Matilda at 9:00 A.M. today. Mr. Oden and I went with her. Work in general all day. Night meetings, etc.
Wednesday, September 26
Mr. French here. He went to Canton for their baggage. Mrs. Oden gave birth to a baby girl.
Thursday, September 27
Mr. MacKenzie overnight. Typhoon signals up. Ralph and Mr. Oden went to Matilda. I called at Grants. Night meetings. A full day.
Friday, September 28
Esther Mary Reiton is 11 years old today. Will not have her party until tomorrow P.M. French family here overnight. Teachers’ Sunday school meeting. A very full day.
Saturday, September 29
Maude Braga wedding day. Our prayer and fast day. Esther’s party. Frenches sailed for Shanghai at 11:00 A.M. Mrs. Crane sent a cake for Esther. Jeanne Freeman – a doll. Grant girls – paints and Rousseau girls -coat hanger and sewing bag. Esther Bullock – a purse. She also got rice bowl glass, spoon, dress material, etc.
Sunday, September 30
Leung Ping Kei went home to Jesus at 7:00 A.M. Leaves three babies under three years. Her husband Mr. Chan had breakfast here. Albert had noon meeting and then Tsz Sin Ni father’s funeral. About 300 or 400 followed the casket. Night meetings. A busy day.
Monday, October 1
Typhoon Signal 7 up. Ping Kei funeral and also an Ah Poh from Kowloon City Mission. Ping Kei funeral was here – very large crowd and about 100 went clear to cemetery. Missionary prayer meeting – Oden, Grant, Larson, Miss Bancroft, and Myers present. Very stormy. Ah Ho not here since Saturday – bad knee.
Tuesday, October 2
Washed. Cheung woman here helping. Night meetings. Figured accounts. A long day.
Wednesday, October 3
My birthday. Visited Mrs. Oden and her baby Mildred. She is very dear. Night meetings. Albert, Helen and Esther gave me a red rain coat for my birthday. Mr. McKenzie – a book. Mrs. Larsons drank pop with us after meeting.
Thursday, October 4
Baby Larson here all day. Also Tsat Koo. Many callers. Night meetings. Such a busy day.
Friday, October 5
Meetings. Ralph here. Work in general. Many callers.
Saturday, October 6
Larson, Oden, McPherson, Myers, etc. for meals. Prayer meeting. School business meeting. Received box of comforts from Seattle “Willing Workers”. Very nice. Worked all day.
Sunday, October 7
Larsons went into Kowloon Hospital with a bad foot from trimming corn too close. Communion Sunday here. First time we used Tsang Kam Fuk’s gift to church (Communion set). Mrs. Cheung here for dinner. Good meetings all day long.
Monday, October 8
Worked all day. Mrs. Crane wrote me a note asking me to come over at 4:30 P.M. I went. She opened the door and 24 or 25 voices sang “Bless Be the Tie that Binds” (all Peniel Missionaries and Crane family). Later we surrounded a table of good eats and they sang Happy Birthday. I surely was surprised. It was the first convenient time to all be together since by birthday October 3. Albert had planned it and Miss Myers and McPherson had helped Mrs. Crane does the work. Chang Kwong and Shui Laan were there too.
Tuesday, October 9
Hospital meeting and night meeting. Bought $2.87 worth of cloth for three shirts for Albert. A leper at the altar.
Wednesday, October 10
China’s Independence Day. I altered Helen’s dress and made one for Esther. Had callers and Ralph and many other duties. Night meetings. Women’s meeting in Shamshuipo.
Thursday, October 11
Mended, sewed, wrote, meetings, callers and work in general.
Friday, October 12
Mrs. Oden and Mildred Edna came home from Matilda Hospital. Ralph, Mr. Oden and I went after them. John Wesley Larson was here when we got home. Night meetings.
Saturday, October 13
A pretty day. Workers’ prayer meeting. Went to dentist. My gums are healing slowly. Work in general. Callers and called.
Sunday, October 14
Hung Hom Kwok preached. A beautiful day. Large crowds. Thirteen came forward for prayer.
Monday, October 15
Worked hard all day. Sunned bedding, etc.
Tuesday, October 16
Work in general. Wrote, meetings, etc. Terrible typhoon in Manila.
Wednesday, October 17
Women’s meeting. A very big crowd. Night meeting. Colder. Callers and called.
Thursday, October 18
Mended, sewed, callers, wrote and work in general.
Friday, October 19
Called at Salvation Army Home. Night meetings, etc.
Saturday, October 20
Cleaned, Workers’ meeting. John Braga came. Miss McPherson and I called on Mrs. Braga. Esther at dentist.
Sunday, October 21
Mildred Edna Oden’s first Sunday in church. John Wesley Larson was also present. Beautiful, warm day. Big crowds.
Monday, October 22
Chan Wai Fong’s brother’s funeral – Chan Tak Kwai. A long busy day.
Tuesday, October 23
Went to Hong Kong to be witness to a Mr. Pang marriage. He is from Ohio. Night meeting. A busy, warm day.
Wednesday, October 24
Women’s meeting. Callers. Wrote. Examined candidates until 10:00 P.M.
Thursday, October 25
Work in general. Wrote to Gladys. Examined candidates again – thus far accepted 23.
Friday, October 26
Beautiful weather. Busy day. Callers and meetings.
Saturday, October 27
Prayer and fast day. Albert sprained his foot. I went to help examine candidates at Kowloon City. One man came, but he smokes and knew nothing about the gospel. He was not accepted. Esther at dentist.
Sunday, October 28
Beautiful day. Mr. Oden did the baptizing – 39 were baptized. Very full house and quite good order. Night meetings.
Monday, October 29
Work in general. Missionary prayer meeting – Odens, Reitons, Myers, McPherson and Pierce present.
Tuesday, October 30
Funeral. Work in general. Meetings, etc.
Wednesday, October 31
Women’s meeting at Ah Ho. Night meeting – Wong Kwai Fong preached.
Thursday, November 1
Wrote for Herald. Meetings. Callers. A busy day.
Friday, November 2
Went to Hong Kong. Meetings and work in general.
Saturday, November 3
Workers’ meeting. Callers. Went to “tattoo” on Hong Kong side (a military affaire). Bethel girls, Miss Lan and Betty Hu were here enroute to Manila.
Sunday, November 4
A group on Unam Bethel (Miss Morgan’s Work) workers came through, spoke and sang in mission. Albert preached in A.M.
Monday, November 5
Salvation Army, Miss Braga called. Mrs. Crane, Larson, Oden and many others called. Work in general. Miss Bancroft here.
Tuesday, November 6
Ah Koi sick. I worked in kitchen all day. Night meeting. Very warm weather.
Wednesday, November 7
Women’s meeting at Leung Chi Kan’s. Night meeting – Chue Sui Wa preached.
Thursday, November 8
Esther spoke over radio in Hong Kong. Night meeting. Work in general.
Friday, November 9
Made Helen’s blouse. Night meetings. Callers and work in general.
Saturday, November 10
Helen sold Poppies. Miss Pierce, Esther, Albert and I went to Cheung Chau to examine candidates – four boys and one man accepted. Had prayer meeting here at mission from 10:00 to 12:00 A.M. for Peniel in U.S.A. and all the world.
Sunday, November 11
Peniel 48 years old. Had Sunday school noon meeting. Communion, baptism. Dinner at Cheung Chau home at 6:00 P.M. Night meeting here. Armistice Day.
Monday, November 12
Rain. Work in general. Callers. Made doughnuts, mended, etc.
Tuesday, November 13
Went to poor farm to see Tsat Koo. Went to Hospital meeting, street meeting and night meeting. Callers. Work in general.
Wednesday, November 14
Bowel trouble. Did not go to Women’s meeting. Night meeting. Took Koon Chung electric clock back and got money. It was no good. Work in general.
Thursday, November 15
Old linen from hotel came. Mr. Worsnip and Betzel called. Night meetings. Esther Crane 17 years old.
Friday, November 16
Helen, Esther and I went to Esther Crane’s birthday party. Made my Esther pajama suit. Work in general. Night meetings.
Saturday, November 17
Good prayer meeting. Work in general.
Sunday, November 18
Wilbur preached. He and Iris here for dinner. Night meetings.
Monday, November 19
Made my black dress – 4 years – $1.00. Wrote and work in general. Callers, etc.
Tuesday, November 20
Hospital meeting. Called. No night meeting on account of a practice air attack and there were supposed to be no lights from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M.
Wednesday, November 21
Women’s meeting at Kong Z Koo, Koon Chung. Night meetings.
Thursday, November 22
Went to Hong Kong, dentist, etc. Night meeting. Serge for Albert’s suit – $4.25 year – three yards $6.00 for making.
Friday, November 23
Work in general. One box containing nuts, bacon and old clothes came from San Francisco. A brother here for supper and meeting from Unanam Foo enroute to Shanghai.
Saturday, November 24
Prayer and fast day. Work in general.
Sunday, November 25
Albert preached and then went to a funeral. Mr. Lei Kam Fuk in Cheung Chau. Tsang Kam Fuk and wife here for dinner. Good meeting at night.
Monday, November 26
Sewed. Missionary prayer meeting. All present but Mrs. Larson. Work in general.
Tuesday, November 27
Made cake, wrote, sewed, night meetings, etc. Bought street organ – $18.00.
Wednesday, November 28
Early prayer meeting. Women’s meeting at Non Tan Ah Poh. Night Meeting – Im Si Ni preached.
Thursday, November 29
Thanksgiving Day. All our missionaries were here for a sandwich supper – 12 grown up and 12 children. Night meetings. Work in general. Mr. Hoh came back from Shan Tseng – has sore foot.
Friday, November 30
Night meetings and work in general.
Saturday, December 1
Prayer meeting and business meeting. Went to the girl’s bazaar at school. A very busy day.
Sunday, December 2
Miss McPherson preached – large crowd. Cooler. Called in hospital. Destroyed idols, etc.
Monday, December 3
The paralyzed woman in hospital died last night. Buried today. We dressed her and put her in coffin.
Tuesday, December 4
Made Esther wool gym dress. Night meeting and hospital meeting. Cold.
Wednesday, December 5
Cold. Went to Hong Kong. Had cord put in for electric iron yesterday in back room. Mr. Larson preached.
Thursday, December 6
Au Sz Ah Poh died this A.M. Made her burying clothes and dressed her in hospital. Night meetings. A long busy day.
Friday, December 7
Made a Japanese silk cloth shaam to bury Au Sz in. She looked so happy. Many callers. Night meetings.
Saturday, December 8
Rose Edna’s birthday. Prayer meeting. Called on Wilbur – he is sick. Gracie Crane is having her birthday party.
Sunday, December 9
Albert preached on On Lok Uen – big crowds all day. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe came and stayed overnight to meet a Mr. Thomas.
Monday, December 10
Went to Hong Kong with Munroes. Dinner at On Look Uen. Mr. Thomas came at 6:00 P.M. and Munroes went back on night steamer.
Tuesday, December 11
Mr. Thomas of Pilgrim Holiness work talked to Bible school students this A.M. He sailed at 6:00 for Manila. Got stocking at knitting factory. Night meetings. Work in general.
Wednesday, December 12
Miss McPherson had Women’s meeting. I did not go. Night meetings. Work in general. Man fixed organ here.
Thursday, December 13
Made my green dress. Night meetings. Work in general.
Friday, December 14
Warmer. Sent view of Hong Kong to Henry and Janie. Night meetings. Sewed. Callers, etc.
Saturday, December 15
Four boxes and two boxes of apples came from Seattle. Opened after prayer meeting. Work in general all day.
Sunday, December 16
Called on Tsat Koo. Meetings all day.
Monday, December 17
Made Helen tan dress. Many, many callers. Mrs. Philippi down from Canton.
Tuesday, December 18
Still very warm. Hospital meeting and night meetings. Miss Myers 48 birthday. Miss Houston from Manila called with Miss Bancroft. I went with Ah Choi at 7:00 P.M. to Kowloon Hospital. Her son was born at 10:30 P.M.
Wednesday, December 19
Ah Choi and Mr. Hoh were married one year ago today. Women’s meeting. We went to Hong Kong. Night meeting, etc.
Thursday, December 20
Meetings and work in general. Busy day.
Friday, December 21
Sewed. Shamshuipo program. Very warm. MacKenzie here over night.
Saturday, December 22
Filled 437 bags of treats for our Sunday school in Yaumati. Prayer meeting. Opened two boxes from San Francisco. Also got barrel of fruit. Koon Chung Christmas program at 7:00 P.M.
Sunday, December 23
Albert preached in A.M. and Chan Kwong at night. Mr. Kwok at Hung Hom. Four girls knew all G.T. We gave out 437 bags of treats and many have not come yet.
Monday, December 24
A very busy day. Went to Victoria Home to see Helen’s school play, which they gave for the Chinese children. Went to Kowloon City Peniel program and went to Dr. Clift’s program where Helen sang in choir. And then when we got home we gave the children their things. Helen – pajamas and a purse and Esther a doll, etc.
Tuesday, December 25
Christmas Day. Ah Choi and baby “Hoh Tin Yan” came out of Kowloon Hospital – baby one week old tonight. Very dear. She is here in our home. Odens and Mr. and Mrs. Hoh for dinner. Our Sunday school program began at 7:00 and closed at 10:00 P.M. A full house. Beautiful warm weather.
Wednesday, December 26
Early prayer meeting. Bathed Hoh Tin Yan and after dinner Ah Choi went to her own cubicle on Hamilton Street. Many callers. A crowd went to Cheung Chau for the Christmas exercises in Peniel tonight. We went to Salvation Army Home tree and exercises. A very busy day.
Thursday, December 27
Miss McPherson went to Canton (Munroes) night meeting. Kwok in Canton. Students at Cheung Chau. Callers and work in general.
Friday, December 28
Bathed Ah Choi baby, wrote letters, figured accounts and work in general.
Saturday, December 29
Prayer and fast day. Received two more boxes from San Francisco. Also a box from Lessie – tea set and tea towels, handkerchiefs, Kodak and shaving soap. Many callers. Work in general. Rain.
Sunday, December 30
Tsang Kam Fuk preached in A.M. and Kam Chi Keung at night – large crowds.
Monday, December 31
Worked on accounts all day. Missionary prayer meeting at 6:00 – Larson, Oden, Myers, McPherson, Pierce, Albert and I present. Yearly Sunday school business meeting from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. and Watchnight meeting from 9:00 to 12:00 midnight – large crowd and splendid spirit. Mok Si Ni died at 8:00 A.M. All our years bills are paid but $23.53 on Bible school fund. Mr. Kwok suggested we enter the New Year free and a collection was taken and the $23.53 was given. Praise God.